Welcome to the Science of Photobiomodulation

At Atlanta Healing Center, we are dedicated to providing the latest in non-invasive, drug-free treatments, such as Photobiomodulation. Our team of experienced practitioners are committed to providing a safe, comfortable and healing environment for our clients.
Photobiomodulation is a cutting-edge treatment that uses infrared and near infrared light to generate changes in the brain. Our treatments offer a myriad of benefits, including decreased inflammation, increased energy and blood flow, and improved mental clarity and mood. We are here to help you find relief.
The Technology that we use is created by Vielight. We use Vielight prior to every neurofeedback sesion to improve your outcomes. These devices are FDA cleared and also available for sale in our shop.
Visit us today to learn more about how we can help you.

Neurofeedback has been used for many years.
Topical history of EEG investigation by initial year of publication. The references below correspond to the topic.
Head injury 1931 Narcolepsy 1939
Epilepsy 1933 Alcoholism 1941
Heredity 1934 Deafness 1941
Sleep 1935 Migraine 1941
Hypnosis 1936 Peak performance 1941 Consciousness 1937 Aggression 1942 Behavioral problems in Children 1937
Mental deficiency 1937 Delinquency 1943 Schizophrenia 1937 Multiple sclerosis 1944 Brain lesions 1938 OCD 1947
Personality 1938 Operantd conditioning 1969
Today, Neurofeedback is used for many issues, including treatment of Addiction, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety Disorders. If you are interested in learning more about neurofeedback, check out the exhaustive list of articles on the ISNR website.
At the Atlanta Healing Center, we believe that everyone can reach their optimal potential. That is why we offer the latest in Neurofeedback technology. Neurofeedback was first developed by NASA in the 1960's and is used to track and measure brainwave activities. Our QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephlogram) allows us to see how your brain is functioning in real time. With this information, we can use Neurofeedback to improve your brain functioning to help you reach your goals. We are constantly monitoring changes and adjusting our protocols to maximize your benefits.

About: Light Therapy for Mood
At Atlanta Healing Center, we specialize in light therapy treatments that help alleviate the effects of Seasonal Mood Disorder. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff will create a personalized plan that is tailored to your individual needs. We believe that light therapy is an effective and safe way to manage Seasonal Mood Disorder, and we proudly offer the latest in light therapy treatments. Our treatments can also help with adjusting to shift work or time zone changes. Come visit us and we'll work together to make sure you get the best results possible.